
This is the documentation for a development version of flagman.

Documentation for the Most Recent Stable Version

A Real-World Use

I have a multi-layered DNS setup that involves ALIAS records that are only resolved on a hidden master and are passed as A or AAAA records to the authoritative slaves.

I wanted to check if the resolved value of the ALIAS records have changed and send out DNS NOTIFYs to the slaves when they do, but I didn’t want to store state in a file on disk.

Enter flagman. I wrote an action that queries the hidden master and saves the values of the records I’m interested in as member variables. If the values have changed since the last run, the hidden master’s REST API is called for force the sending of a NOTIFY out to its slaves.

This is integrated with three systemd units:

# flagman.service
Description=Run flagman

ExecStart=/path/to/flagman --usr1 dnscheck
# flagman-notify.service
Description=Send SIGUSR1 to flagman

ExecStart=/bin/systemctl kill -s SIGUSR1 flagman.service
# flagman-notify.timer
Description=Run flagman-notify hourly



Simple? Not quite. But quite extensible and useful in a variety of situations.